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"Shereen’s grounding in HR, blended with her transparency and lived experience, makes her a powerful advocate for anti-racism in corporate spaces. Her wisdom regarding where large and global organizations, like ours, need to start, and her insights into the potential barriers, helped us to visualize and plot ways forward for our organization.

Shereen’s “must-do now” attitude continues to ignite inspiration and action. She deliberately took our attention away from the crippling activity of assessing how great the challenges are by helping us to focus more on the incremental actions that build momentum. This was a fantastic open and challenging dialogue, and hopefully the first of many on our D&I journey."

Joseph Mullings, Corporate Responsibility Manager (North America)


"Shereen provided a safe environment for an open and honest discussion about race and racism in our industry, and society broadly, in a non-confrontational way, bringing real lived experience that was relatable. The group of leading Executives and Chairs from across the industry were engaged and eager to contribute thoughts and ask questions. Shereen was, in one participant’s words, ‘just brilliant’. She remained unphased and non-judgemental and it was an excellent opportunity to open the conversation on race and what each person’s responsibility is in addressing the current situation. Her continued involvement and support is helping us to shape our actions and accelerate change."

Annamarie Phelps, Chair

"Shereen exudes confidence, demonstrates inclusion, and provides engaging content that is the latest learning and practices from the racial equity, diversity, and inclusion field. Moreover, she moderates challenging topics about race through her calm, relaxed, and collected demeanor, ensuring voices are heard in the room and drawing attendees into the conversation for a robust experience.

Shereen is a splendid presenter, professional, and advocate who delivers real-world outcomes, across cultural continents, to a broad participant audience. Shereen is an authentic, world-class expert."

Tessa Sutton, Ph.D., Assistant Superintendent of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Executive

Fashion Impact Fund

"Shereen is a dynamic, content rich speaker who addressed the intersection of racial equity and responsible business; specifically regarding transforming workplace cultures to embed equitable, anti-racist and inclusive practices. Shereen's insight regarding the impact of leadership pursuing sustainable action is compelling and engaging; and delivered with high energy."

Kerry Branigan, Founder of Fashion Impact Fund